Friday 31 October 2014

Rock 'n' Roll Wizard

Well, I'm Back - Been a while - Sorry Folks - Did You Miss Me? Probably Not! Didn't really make much of an impact, did I? Going to try harder to get in tune with the 21st Century this time.
Will try to be a bit more together/interactive.
If you understand all this stuff - clues -

Starting at the very beginning - the first song I remember

See You Later, Alligator!

What does Rock 'n' Roll mean to you?

Your answer will depend on - When & Where you were born

To me - it's been there - for most of my life.

Rock 'n' Roll didn't suddenly appear in the first 1/2 of the 1950's, fully formed out of some kind of a musical womb.It evolved, going all the way back to the 1920's.

But, it was in the 1950's that it became popular as a style in it's own right, as the vibrant 'different' music that appealed to young people - the first 'teenagers'.

The older generation didn't approve. The music became associated with 'trouble'. It was dismissed by many as a 'fad'. The establishment, and that included the major record labels, did their best to tone down the raw energy of Rock 'n' Roll. By the early 1960's it looked like they'd succeeded, pappy 'teen' & singers with orchestral accompaniment.Some of the big name artists went with the trend and toned down. Smaller labels who had put out some of the best stuff found it difficult to survive.

But it couldn't last. We, the second generation, born after the war didn't rate this stuff. New bands started to appear, taking their style from older influences.Through the 1960's music went through many changes.Personally, I was into 60's beat groups, rock, blues bands, psychedelia. But I still remembered things from primary school. Musical recording techniques had also changed dramatically. Older stuff was available  like it it never had been before. Some older artists played 'live' to sell-out crowds. Rock'n' Roll never died  - it just hibernated.

In the 1970's the Rock scene went totally over-produced. The raw energy of a bunch of people turning up in a beat-up old van with instruments and amps was lost. Fine, some people liked it. But for older 'rockers' - no way. The re-issue of old stuff went into hyper-drive. Lots of stuff was 'discovered', particularly smaller American labels that the original '50's teenagers never heard.
New Rock 'n' Roll bands were formed. One of them celebrated it's 40th Anniversary recently (Crazy Cavan & the Rhythm Rockers), others are still around.

So here we are, in the 21st Century, Musical styles have come and gone, but Rock'n' Roll has travelled the world. It will be an old-age pensioner soon, but, it's as vibrant as it ever was. More importantly, it has kept on evolving, absorbing 'local' influences, appealing to audiences wherever they are. It's bigger now than ever.

In a while, Crocodile!

So, wherever and whenever you were born, there will be songs that you can relate to. Doesn't matter - 1954 or 2014 - it's still Rock'n' Roll to me - even when I can't speak the same language as the lead singer.

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