Friday 11 October 2013


In England we know that Hallowe'en is nothing to do with getting sweeties for 'trick or treat', or to do with various monsters and creatures from horror movies. It's about the divide between the worlds of the living and the dead being at it's narrowest on 'All Hallow's Eve' and the dead being able to appear in the world of the living. Witches of course come into it because they can contact spirits that have 'passed over'.

But hey, Rock 'n' Roll is American and they lost sight of this long ago. There are about 25 albums (LP/CD) in my Halloween folder and I am currently sorting between the killer and the filler to see if I can come up with about 10 that are worth a listen - or a bop - or even a stroll.

ACE, Buffalo Bop and Wanda have done a few - none of them 100% but some good tracks.

TBC - more soon -inc.pix.

Suggestions welcome -

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