Monday 8 December 2014

Rock 'n' Roll Dances - part 1

Jitterbugging, Lindy Hopping, Jumping, Stomping, Swinging, Boogieing, Jiving,
 Bopping, Strolling

It's all Rock'n'Roll - Or rather - It's all Rockin' 'n' Rollin'

In the same way that Rock 'n' Roll music grew out of various other musical influences going back to the 1930's, so did the dances which we associate with Rock 'n' Roll.

It's all about Rhythm. You get the beat, you move your feet. You want to dance....

People have always danced, all over the world, for all sorts of reasons, with all sorts of accompaniments. But, as time went on, dancing in public places became formalized, strict tempo and you had to get the steps right, and dance to an orchestra.

But then came jazz. Individual interpretations of the music. If the musicians can interpret so can dancers. The 1920's saw new dances coming along, like the Charleston, and rubbing shoulders with older dances, like the Waltz.

In the 1930's dancing became a way to forget your troubles. Black folks had more troubles and were more unrestrained. The Blues got Rhythm and nothing would ever be the same again. Dance music was more unrestrained, more frenetic and so were the dancers.  Enter the dance called the Jitterbug, totally crazy and wild. Free-form in style and given various names according to the music and interpretation of the dancers. As they always do, white folks tried to tame it down, the Lindy Hop was the more polite version popular in the 40's (named after Lindbergh, the flyer).

The enduring dance that came out of all these styles was the Jive. It has endured, simply because of it's versatility. Realistically, it's several dances in one. It has evolved and been adapted by dancers for over 80 years. Once you know the basics, you can do it fast or slow, basic or with as many extra bits to fit your abilities and the music. as you want. There is a stylized sort of formula version; but, let's leave it to 'Strictly Come Dancing' and the 'modern' jivers.

In the Fifties, dance halls were playing more of the music that had been around for a while, than the new-fangled rock 'n' roll. It didn't take much for teenagers to adapt the dances they saw to the music they loved. The jive became associated with the new music:'rock'n' roll jive, 'doing the rock'n'roll'. Razzle Dazzle by Ella Mae Morse got a Bill Haley & his Comets makeover as The Saddlemen faded into history. The Rhythm & Blues styles of people like Joe Turner, Louis Jordan, Big Maybelle were absorbed into the new rock 'n' roll. Louis Prima's, lounge-style jiving was for old folks.

Not just in the cities or big towns. Country music had been absorbing  different styles from the beginning, often with a slightly new slant - Like Western Swing, popular since the 40's. Country folks like to go as wild as anybody.'We don't get out much, but when we do...!'
You can jitterbug, jump & jive just as easy as a barn dance, so when hillbilly got rock, there's jiving to go with it.
A good example - Curtis Gordon - Rock & Roll Jump Jive - not his most famous but worth a listen

There are numerous compilations around that deal with music for dancing.

These are from a series of CDs,
not sure how many ( I have 4)
They cover a variety of styles of
music from the early rock 'n' roll
and before. Bit of a mixed bag, some good stuff, with some really good and some total dodos but at 25 to a CD worthwhile - unless you're totally rockabilly. Most of it is not country-related

These two covers are of CDs  from Golden Beaver
Once again they are definitely leaning towards City not Country

I'll see what can be found in Part 2 - sure there's some on Collector Records, but generally it's not a theme  that publishers follow - more likely country-bop than country jive

As usual - this is not gospel - just some thoughts. You're welcome to comment/agree/disagree

Friday 7 November 2014

Go Cat Go

   R.I.P. Darren Spears - Go Cat Go

This is a special post because I heard recently that Darren Spears (vocalist of Go Cat Go) is no longer with us.

If you have never heard of Go Cat Go, it seems a very good time to tell you about their best CD.

The title is really appropriate

Let's Hear It Once Again For...Go Cat Go

It features 25 songs, some of which you may recognize but most are in their own style and they showcase the versatility of Darren's vocals.

I know that it is 17 years old, but it's well worth a listen
I have posted the back cover a bit larger so that you are able to get details from this post, which might help to track it down.

Friday 31 October 2014

Rock 'n' Roll Wizard

Well, I'm Back - Been a while - Sorry Folks - Did You Miss Me? Probably Not! Didn't really make much of an impact, did I? Going to try harder to get in tune with the 21st Century this time.
Will try to be a bit more together/interactive.
If you understand all this stuff - clues -

Starting at the very beginning - the first song I remember

See You Later, Alligator!

What does Rock 'n' Roll mean to you?

Your answer will depend on - When & Where you were born

To me - it's been there - for most of my life.

Rock 'n' Roll didn't suddenly appear in the first 1/2 of the 1950's, fully formed out of some kind of a musical womb.It evolved, going all the way back to the 1920's.

But, it was in the 1950's that it became popular as a style in it's own right, as the vibrant 'different' music that appealed to young people - the first 'teenagers'.

The older generation didn't approve. The music became associated with 'trouble'. It was dismissed by many as a 'fad'. The establishment, and that included the major record labels, did their best to tone down the raw energy of Rock 'n' Roll. By the early 1960's it looked like they'd succeeded, pappy 'teen' & singers with orchestral accompaniment.Some of the big name artists went with the trend and toned down. Smaller labels who had put out some of the best stuff found it difficult to survive.

But it couldn't last. We, the second generation, born after the war didn't rate this stuff. New bands started to appear, taking their style from older influences.Through the 1960's music went through many changes.Personally, I was into 60's beat groups, rock, blues bands, psychedelia. But I still remembered things from primary school. Musical recording techniques had also changed dramatically. Older stuff was available  like it it never had been before. Some older artists played 'live' to sell-out crowds. Rock'n' Roll never died  - it just hibernated.

In the 1970's the Rock scene went totally over-produced. The raw energy of a bunch of people turning up in a beat-up old van with instruments and amps was lost. Fine, some people liked it. But for older 'rockers' - no way. The re-issue of old stuff went into hyper-drive. Lots of stuff was 'discovered', particularly smaller American labels that the original '50's teenagers never heard.
New Rock 'n' Roll bands were formed. One of them celebrated it's 40th Anniversary recently (Crazy Cavan & the Rhythm Rockers), others are still around.

So here we are, in the 21st Century, Musical styles have come and gone, but Rock'n' Roll has travelled the world. It will be an old-age pensioner soon, but, it's as vibrant as it ever was. More importantly, it has kept on evolving, absorbing 'local' influences, appealing to audiences wherever they are. It's bigger now than ever.

In a while, Crocodile!

So, wherever and whenever you were born, there will be songs that you can relate to. Doesn't matter - 1954 or 2014 - it's still Rock'n' Roll to me - even when I can't speak the same language as the lead singer.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Halloween - Part 2

Sorry, it's took me a while to get back. Think I shot myself in the foot on this one. The songs that I like don't really come from the 50's at all. Halloween parties go way back. Poirot was at one. Jack Benny had one on his radio show in 1938 (think that was the same night they broadcast War of the Worlds, and caused a panic because people thought it was actually happening). Dracula, Frankenstein and a few others had been around forever, and since the early days of celluloid. in the 50's horror movies abounded but Hallowe'en was still about ghosts - not the commercial thing it is today.

I'll happily - 
Stroll to Boogaboo by Jelly Roll Morton - 1928
Jive to Swinging At The Seance by Glen Miller-1939
Time Warp to Rocky Horror
Bop to Boneshaker Baby by Alien Sex Fiend or Vince Ray
I think it's probably a matter of your choice - there's lots of stuff out there
Here's a few covers to look out for. They all have a few songs that work for a party and the ones I like best are the top two and the psychobilly ones.
Some favourites - 
Bruce & the Heartbreaks - Bomp In The Night
Vince Ray & the Boneshakers - Jailhouse Spook
Johnny Fuller - Haunted House
The Mysterons - Night Of The Ghouls
Jimmy Dee - The Monster Hop
Tarantula Ghoul - Graveyard Rock
Jack & Jim - Midnight Monster's Hop
The Ghastly Ones - Ghastly Stomp
Chris Kevin - Haunted House
Grave Stompers - Call From The Grave
Chotails - Queen Of Halloween
Psychocharger - Rawkillbaby
Howlin' Wolf - I Ain't Superstitious
13 covers - 13 tracks - just a selection from about 200 

Tried to find a pumpkin to end on - not sure where it's gone - it's an animated gif - quite fun - if I find it soon I'll post it. 

Friday 11 October 2013


In England we know that Hallowe'en is nothing to do with getting sweeties for 'trick or treat', or to do with various monsters and creatures from horror movies. It's about the divide between the worlds of the living and the dead being at it's narrowest on 'All Hallow's Eve' and the dead being able to appear in the world of the living. Witches of course come into it because they can contact spirits that have 'passed over'.

But hey, Rock 'n' Roll is American and they lost sight of this long ago. There are about 25 albums (LP/CD) in my Halloween folder and I am currently sorting between the killer and the filler to see if I can come up with about 10 that are worth a listen - or a bop - or even a stroll.

ACE, Buffalo Bop and Wanda have done a few - none of them 100% but some good tracks.

TBC - more soon -inc.pix.

Suggestions welcome -

Esoldun Rock 'n' Roll - update for 1st blog

I have been criticized for not putting much info. into the first blog.
It was really me saying what I've been listening to lately, keep a look out for them when you're browsing or checking out record shops.
The tracks are from a bunch of LPs, issued in France in the late 80's (I think

There's 25 that I know about - I haven't got them all - these are sample pix to give an idea of the style.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

This is the first weblog from me, so don't expect a lot.
It's about rock'n'roll, but not just the names that everybody  knows.
I've been around for quite a while and I know that for every well-known artist who found fame, there are hundreds who just recorded a few songs and were only known locally.

My playlist for this blog :-

Bill Skidmore III - Date Bait
Bob Gaddy - Slow Down Baby
Bobby Roberts - Hop, Skip & Jump
Cookie & Charley - Let's Go Rock 'n' Roll
Dave Atkins - Shake Kum Down
Gene Brown - Big Door
Jim Myers & Tex Regan - Pretty Baby Rock
Jimmy Boyd - Rockin' Down The Mississippi
Little Marie Allen - Humdinger
The Bubbles - Boppin' In The Barnyard

Keep your eyes open for 'em - they're worth a listen.
Hopefully, I can work out how to make it so that you can hear my copies.
Handy hints from people who know - How do I share without copyright problems?
This is all new to me!

This blog lets you put a picture in - Hope you like the old jukebox - the lady seems happy.
But I don't know how to put a track in
Bye for now - Can't Stop-Keep Rockin'